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The permanent exhibition

At the same time permanent exhibition and stock of the museum - because there is neither garret nor cellar - the room on the first floor appears today as the founders intented, like a cavern of dreams, a universe of cultural tolerance, whose unity comes from its diversity and informs us through the wealth of objects and the incredible variety of collections about the museological interests of the past...

The showcases are original, as well as the way of presenting the objects: nothing has been changed - with the exception of some minor changes of items at one time or an other.

Detail of a showcase of the Musée de l'Areuse:

At the front, some card games (tarots) of the 18 and 19th centuries, behind, baby's bottle from Brittany (blue) of the 19th century coming from Moëlan (Finistère), ancient sugar sieve, small crucifix from Einsiedeln (1840), etc. Against the wall, pottery of Moustier.

The most important worry of the Society of the Musée de l'Areuse is to preserve this treasure in its architectural environment. It is true that today the museum has changed its meaning and is no longer seen with the same eyes as in the beginning of the century: yet it remains a treasure, a unique museum in Switzerland, testimony of the first museums through its building and through its museography. Originally a cultural centre, it has become an object of culture: now it becomes a discovery in itself and no more the world through it!

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© Musée de l'Areuse, Boudry, 2002
updated: 5-oct-02